A Thing Called Love

It’s day seven, and there is rest everywhere. Peace. Calm. 
Two angels look down on a new creation.
‘Is it true?’ one asks. ‘That those things down there with legs and arms are special?’
‘Oh yes,’ says the other. ‘They are called people. The creator made them to look after the earth with him.’
‘Is that wise? I mean, they don’t look like heroes to me.’
‘Well, the creator loves them, and he wants to share this whole creation with them. He thinks they’re really good. REALLY good. He’s over the moon about them.’
‘But suppose things go wrong. Suppose they go wrong. Become selfish, make mistakes. It’s a bit of a risk.’
‘It is a risk, but he’s willing to take it, and I heard it said that if they forget about him and try doing things their own way, he’ll do everything he can to win them back. He’ll give everything he’s got for them. Everything.’
‘Apparently it’s a thing called love. He loves them to bits. And he won’t stop. And if it all goes pear shaped he’ll give them a sign of that love on a hilltop, himself on a huge wooden cross. It’ll be shocking, but it won’t be the end.’
‘A sign on a hilltop? But how will he get down there top do that?’
The other angel points to a sheep munching on hay in an animal trough.
‘You see that, the man down there made that. One day the creator will be small enough to sleep in it. That’s how it’ll begin.’
‘I can’t get my head around it.’
‘You don’t have it. It’s not for us… it’s for those people down there… the ones that don’t look like heroes… he’ll do it for them…’ 

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