‘I’ve come to think that humility is over-rated,’ the shadowy figure in the wilderness said, kicking at the stones at his feet.
‘I mean look at you, out here, bedraggled, alone, pathetic, no one to care about you. No friends. No one to look after you, no one to feed you. Just the heat and an empty stomach. Whereas look at me, lord of all I survey, surrounded by servants, millions of followers at my beck and call, armies at my disposal, the world bowing before me. I got here through pride and utter self-belief, that got me a throne and a kingdom. Whereas humility, all that will get you… is a cross. Believe me. So what do you think, Man of Nazareth? Are you going to waste all that power? Are you going to fade away, a footnote in history? Out here in the wilderness of life. Surely you can see what a little brute force could do. Turn these old rocks into freshly baked bread for one thing. You could be like me, all the world bowing before you, using your power to not merely survive but thrive, to do impressive feats that will gain you millions of likes and followers. You know the angels are at your beck and call. So why not glory in that. I ask you again, Man of Nazareth – where will your humility get you? Will it change the world? Hmm?’
The Man of Nazareth, lifted his head, a gentle smile on his lips, truth in his gaze.
‘The bread you offer is fake,’ he said, ‘whereas the food of my father teems with life. And the kind of world you offer is empty and poisonous, to give your life for that will only rob you of meaning. One day I will make bread and feed thousands because they are in need, but I won’t do magic to impress you or anyone else. The angels know my heart and hang on my every word, but I won’t distract them to prove a point. My father cares for me, and has sent me in love to serve and save the world. And those who discover that will worship him. So leave me. I’m not lonely or pathetic. I haven’t come out here to listen to you, I am here to listen to the tender voice of my father.’
He watched the shadowy figure turn and fade away. The Man of Nazareth sensed a surge of the strength that came with his love for the world he had created. It would not be the end of the tempting, he would face everything that the world could throw at him, but the kindness within him, and the infinite love for his father burning in his heart, would guide his every step.
Hosea 2 v 14, Matthew 4 v 1-11
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