What If… The Prodigal (Luke chapter 15 v 11-32)
Having run away from home, lost all his money and ended up destitute the younger brother finally came to his senses, and he said to himself, ‘At home even the …
Having run away from home, lost all his money and ended up destitute the younger brother finally came to his senses, and he said to himself, ‘At home even the …
(A confession of sorts) Then God said, “Let there be pets and holidays and work and phones and TVs and homes and cars and gadgets and fashion and commerce and …
The ancient craftsmen of oldMade images from wood and stone,And breathed on them to bring life,To make them images of their gods.You took dust and crafted people,Carefully and lovingly,And then …
Over Christmas I found myself wondering about the Wise Men, and why they went to Herod in Jerusalem. They did discover Micah’s prophecy about Bethlehem there, while spreading the news …
I’m currently reading Tales of a Country Parish by Colin Heber-Percy – a thoughtful and uplifting collection of writings from 2020. As the book moves into winter of that year, …
Did Mary and Joseph catch a glimpse?Did they catch sight of the universeIn those wide, wondering eyes?Did they see the faces of thoseHe would support and comfort.Did they see the …
I could face this year alone, Could clench my fists and every other bit, I could harness my ideas, many but limited, And try and find my way through the …
The light shines in my darkness,And my darkness cannot put it out.The light shines in our chaos,And our chaos cannot put it out.The light shines in our fear and doubt,And …
Those night lights keep speaking,Leading, guiding, predicting, assuring.For Abraham, a regular sign of the promise of God,his plans and presence and purpose.For David, forever looking at the skyTo remind himself …
Five candles flicker and glimmer in the fading light, casting lively images of light and shade on the ancient church walls. The door creaks and groans a little as it …
This year’s big Christmas release is out – Wonka, the story of how Willy Wonka came to be chocolate mad. It’s the latest in a line of origin stories about …
He runs with the others, looks like the others, smells like the others. But he knows that he’s not like them. His past hangs too heavy, like smog in his …
The soldier looks on and sees what no one else has seen, what no religious expert or faithful follower has yet understood. He stands there as an outsider, reviled, repugnant, …
One day God grew weary of people arguing about what he was like and whether he existed at all and so he decided to escape for a while and hop …
The Great Escaper is Michael Caine’s very last film, and is based on the story of Bernie Jordan, a D-Day veteran. Bernie misses his chance to book a place on the …
The Man With No Hat strolls into town, and one thing is instantly clear. He is different, aloof alone. Everyone else has a hat, everyone else is moving frenetically, everyone …
She knows that she smells, the fear almost chokes her. Knowing what will happen if she is spotted in this crowd. She can almost feel the burden of shame pressing …
In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. …
This film tells the story of the famous mime artist Marcel Marceau and a group of his friends, who rescued hundreds of children during World War Two and helped them …
Morning, is this the expurgated Bible Bookshop? Yes, what would you like? Well, which Bibles do you have? Ooh lots. The ones with the violence taken out, the ones with …