Dave Hop

Dave Hop

Contemporary Bible Communicator

Let There Be

(A confession of sorts) Then God said, “Let there be pets and holidays and work and phones and TVs and homes and cars and gadgets and fashion and commerce and …


The ancient craftsmen of oldMade images from wood and stone,And breathed on them to bring life,To make them images of their gods.You took dust and crafted people,Carefully and lovingly,And then …

Star Struck?

Over Christmas I found myself wondering about the Wise Men, and why they went to Herod in Jerusalem. They did discover Micah’s prophecy about Bethlehem there, while spreading the news …

A thought…

I’m currently reading Tales of a Country Parish by Colin Heber-Percy – a thoughtful and uplifting collection of writings from 2020. As the book moves into winter of that year, …


Did Mary and Joseph catch a glimpse?Did they catch sight of the universeIn those wide, wondering eyes?Did they see the faces of thoseHe would support and comfort.Did they see the …

The Figure

I could face this year alone, Could clench my fists and every other bit, I could harness my ideas, many but limited, And try and find my way through the …

The Light Shines On

The light shines in my darkness,And my darkness cannot put it out.The light shines in our chaos,And our chaos cannot put it out.The light shines in our fear and doubt,And …


Those night lights keep speaking,Leading, guiding, predicting, assuring.For Abraham, a regular sign of the promise of God,his plans and presence and purpose.For David, forever looking at the skyTo remind himself …

Advent Candles

Five candles flicker and glimmer in the fading light, casting lively images of light and shade on the ancient church walls. The door creaks and groans a little as it …

Wonka, Cruella, Batman & Origin Stories

This year’s big Christmas release is out – Wonka, the story of how Willy Wonka came to be chocolate mad. It’s the latest in a line of origin stories about …

Making Contact

He runs with the others, looks like the others, smells like the others. But he knows that he’s not like them. His past hangs too heavy, like smog in his …


The soldier looks on and sees what no one else has seen, what no religious expert or faithful follower has yet understood. He stands there as an outsider, reviled, repugnant, …

Weekend Off

One day God grew weary of people arguing about what he was like and whether he existed at all and so he decided to escape for a while and hop …

Peacemakers & Great Escapers

The Great Escaper is Michael Caine’s very last film, and is based on the story of Bernie Jordan, a D-Day veteran. Bernie misses his chance to book a place on the …

The Man With The Hat

The Man With No Hat strolls into town, and one thing is instantly clear. He is different, aloof alone. Everyone else has a hat, everyone else is moving frenetically, everyone …


She knows that she smells, the fear almost chokes her. Knowing what will happen if she is spotted in this crowd. She can almost feel the burden of shame pressing …

What if things had gone like this with Mary…

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. …


This film tells the story of the famous mime artist Marcel Marceau and a group of his friends, who rescued hundreds of children during World War Two and helped them …

The Expurgated Bible Bookshop

Morning, is this the expurgated Bible Bookshop? Yes, what would you like? Well, which Bibles do you have? Ooh lots. The ones with the violence taken out, the ones with …