When Jesus met Peter on that beach
After Peter had denied knowing him three times
Jesus didn’t
Confront him and make him feel small
Hold a grudge for years
Ask him to grovel and plead in the sand
Order him to work hard for his forgiveness
When Peter met Jesus on that beach
After he had denied knowing him three times
Jesus asked him three times
‘Do you love me?’
And then he gave him a new start, a fresh beginning
‘Come, be my disciple,’ he said, ‘follow me.’
When we meet Jesus each morning
After another yesterday of ups and downs
Jesus doesn’t
Confront us and make us feel small
Hold a grudge for years
Ask us to grovel and plead in the sand
Order us to work hard for our forgiveness
Instead, Jesus asks us again
‘Do you love me?’
Even with the little love we have
And he offers us a new start, a fresh beginning,
‘Come, be my disciple,’ he says, ‘follow me.’
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