Remember that Christ has made us free.
Now let’s do our best to ensure that we stay free,
And don’t get all tied up again in the chains of slavery.
When we are tempted to bind others with our sharp talking,
When we think we can earn your favour with our work,
Remember that Christ has made us free.
When we get enslaved again by church routines,
When religious rules attempt to suppress our faith,
Remember that Christ has made us free.
When we find ourselves cornered by the weight of past mistakes,
When we need strength and grace to forgive others,
Remember that Christ has made us free.
When we are struggling to forgive ourselves,
When we are finding it hard to keep walking this road,
Remember that Christ has made us free.
When we forget that the old has gone,
And need reminding that you make all things new,
Remember that Christ has made us free.
And with his help may we hang on, stand firm,
And not submit again to the gruelling ways of slavery.
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