Jesus is the one who draws us together, the source of our being,
The source of all life,
Our inspiration and the one that matters.
He leads us into this new life
A land where all are equal and there are no divisions
Whether Jew or a Gentile
Male or female
Circumcised or uncircumcised
Civilized or uncivilized
Slave or free.
Christ the king unites us and breaks down our human barriers.
For he is all that matters,
and he lives in each of us.
Whether we are
Rich or poor
Fainthearted or fierce
Lively or quiet
Introverts or extroverts
Unemployed or working
Married or single
Old or young.
Whether our faith is strong or weak
Whatever our past experience and present situation
We are brought together in Him.
He leads us into a new place,
A new way of being,
A new kingdom.
A land of understanding, kindness, patience and compassion.
He draws us together, the source of our being,
The source of all life,
Our inspiration and the one that matters.
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