Those dry bones get everywhere
In the workplaces and job centres
In the homes and high streets
In the schools and colleges
Those dry bones get everywhere
In the shops and sports arenas
In the places of entertainment
And the centres of leisure
Those dry bones get everywhere
Sprinkling their lifeless dust
Sapping energy and draining hope
Confusing minds and sowing discontent
Those dry bones get everywhere
But so does the breath of God
And so does the hopeful life of the Spirit
Gentle and powerful
Rushing and meandering
Transforming radically, and little by little
Resurrecting, encouraging, stirring, comforting.
Those dry bones get everywhere
But so does the breath of God.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Valleys of Our Lives
In the valleys of our lives we long for the breath of your spirit
We catch it in a smile
In a kind word
In a helping hand
In a shared prayer
In a word of encouragement
In a simple intercession
In a moment of stillness
In a place of worship
In a compassionate stranger
In a patient friend
In the valleys of our lives we long for the breath of your spirit
And we offer it to others
In a kind word
In a helping hand
In a shared prayer
In a word of encouragement
In a simple intercession
In a moment of stillness
In a place of worship
To friends and strangers
To the despised and respected
In the valleys of our lives we long for the breath of your spirit.
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