We like to think we know,
Like to claim we have it all worked out,
Tidy, measured, quantified, sorted.
But the invitation is to follow, to make a start.
Not to size it all up and stuff it in the right box.
But to walk in the steps of a man who knew conflict.
A man who knew sorrow, laughter, struggle and hope.
A man who set out on a safari through childhood,
Adolescence, young adulthood, school and work.
A safari of stories, dull days and extraordinary happenings,
Conversations, adventure, normality and relationships,
Bread, fish, wine and parties.
A safari through a country that would offer applause,
Banter, argument, arrest, death and resurrection.
A safari littered with footprints and invitations.
We like to think we know,
Like to claim we have it all worked out.
But the safari lies before us,
And we are taking a few steps each day.
And He is with us
Each step along the way.
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