The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
Away from the noise and distractions,
Away from the clamour and the fame.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
Having heard the voice of his father,
Knowing he was enough, valued and cherished.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
Not needing to chase security and self-assertion,
Towards the dry, dusty and difficult places in life.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
Towards the emptiness and harsh times,
Towards the places of loneliness and isolation.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
To shape and mould and prepare him,
To set him up for three years of temptation and pressure.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
The best place for him to be right now,
So that he would be at home in every other place.
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert,
Ready to care for the lost and the hurting,
Ready to set others above himself…
The Holy Spirit drove him out into the desert.
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