Keep going with the strength you have.
Not with the strength you see others have,
Not with the strength you think you should have,
But because I am with you.
Hold on with the strength you have.
Not for next week, or next year,
But for today, for this moment,
Because I am with you.
Walk with the strength you have.
Through all the small and vital things you face,
In the ordinary, mundane and repetitive,
Because I am with you.
Persevere with the strength you have.
Not because you are perfect,
Or have all the answers,
Because I am with you.
So keep going with the strength you have.
Knowing that I understand,
And I have the resources to help,
Knowing that I will not abandon you,
And you are so precious to me,
And that I am with you.
Always. To the end of the age.
(Judges 6 v 14-16)
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