As we find ourselves here,
Perched on the doorstep of a new year,
Some things we can say we know,
Some things we clearly don’t.
We know that some of us welcome changes,
Some prefer things to stay the same.
We know that some are fearful,
Others are excited,
While for others things just go on,
Same old, same old.
We know we have plans,
Hopes, dreams, doubts, concerns,
And we know that the unexpected happens.
Whatever this next minute,
Hour, day, week, year holds,
Please help us to know more
Of your presence with us in it.
In our faith, fears, laughter, loving,
Crying, forgetting, hurting, loneliness and living.
Help us to bring all these things to you,
Knowing that you don’t just want our
Achievements and good bits,
But all that makes us unique,
Individual and part of this
Known and unknown world.
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