Has anyone seen a hero today?
So many continue their missions quietly,
Covert agents of compassion,
Armed with a smile and a kind word,
Putting themselves out for others.
Not kicking up a fuss as they give,
As they watch out, as they care,
Just getting on with it,
Climbing those hills, blazing those trails,
No cape, or logo emblazoned on their shirt.
Not afraid of the chaos and humanity,
No headline grabbing scheme,
No big screen movie or name in lights,
Just another day as they step on in the fight.
Leading the way with footsteps barely seen,
Changing the world one ounce of love at time.
I guess we’ve all seen the heroes lately,
Though we may not have known it,
Those covert agents of compassion,
Faithful warriors of stealth and quiet strength.
‘Whatever you do to help the least of these, you do for me.’ Matthew 25 v 40
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