Our times are in your hands,
Our days, our nights,
The fleeting moments and long days,
The times of waiting and the times we savour.
Our times are in your hands,
The times of this planet,
Of our own small worlds,
As they turn and meander,
As we rush and stumble,
As we do our best to cling on,
Our times are in your hands.
Though we may be full of questions,
Weighed down with fears,
Muddled by reality,
We wait, we look to you.
We need you so much,
Lift our heads when the going is tough,
Warm us with your presence,
Smile on us please.
We throw our lot in with you today,
We want to want your ways,
And long for more than we have within ourselves,
So our times are in your hands,
Our ways, our steps,
Our reactions and conversations,
Our whole being, our existence,
Every moment is found in you.
Psalm 31 v 14-16
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