Lyrical Riffs: Difference and Closer


I prayed a prayer today,

Not sure that it really worked.

Went outside and noticed the colours

Carried a vivid autumnal depth.

Bumped into old whatsisname,

He drives me nuts,

But I seemed to have a bit more patience with him today.

Started work tired yet found a bit of stamina.

Felt a nudge to call Aunt Susie,

Surprisingly, she was in…

Surprisingly, she was in a good mood!

Found myself saying sorry for having a go at her last week.

Turned a corner later just in time to

Catch sight of an elderly lady stumbling on the kerb,

Had the chance to steady her and get her back on track.

Wrestled with various tough decisions this evening,

Took a while but the pieces began

To fall into place for the first time.

Plenty of things went wrong today of course,

And the world is still a restless, cynical place.

That hasn’t been sorted.

But I prayed a prayer today,

Not sure it made any difference.

Might do it again tomorrow.



One in a hundred, one in ten,

One of two.

The shepherd, the woman, the good father.

Searching, out looking for us –

His precious pearls.

Buried in the detritus of our lives,

In the things we pile around us,

Above us and below us,

To protect ourselves, to comfort

And buffer our hearts.

Yet he is above us and below us,

Nearer than we think, closer than we expect.

Because he has come looking,

And never stops believing in us,

Unafraid of our darkness and dirt,

Hunting high and low,

And sending us signals, clues,

Leaving a trail for us to notice,

To woo us back.

Ordinary miracles to remind us

That he cares, that he longs for us to know him,

To begin a lifetime of getting to know him.

The shepherd, the woman, the good father.

Cartoon sketches of the God who is on our side.

Luke 15                                                                                        

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