Why is it so hard to tell the truth?
The truth about my doubts and fears,
The truth that anxiety grates like a detuned radio
In the back of my existence all the time.
The truth of feeling increasingly irrelevant
As I pile one year on top of another.
The truth of wishing life were better, easier, less complicated.
Of wishing at times I could hide on a desert island,
One with an endless supply of food, warmth, wi-fi,
And a radio that played only my favourite tunes.
The truth that modern life confuses me,
And at times I do long for the good old days,
Even though they were probably not quite as good as I recall.
I was just younger, more naïve, expectant
And able to con myself that I was somehow in control
And going to change the world.
Why is it so hard to tell the truth?
The truth that I love Jesus, and want to honour him,
But am not very good at it,
And am grateful for the brief moments of wonder and freedom
When I realise I don’t have to be good at it.
It’s just not about that.
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