‘Don’t worry…’ we are told.
If only.
But Jesus tells us more, offers us something else.
Go and find something green, he suggests.
Something that flies, or sings, or blossoms.
Something that drifts in the breeze.
Something that moves a little slowly.
Consider the robins, the skies, the worms, the daisies.
Birds do of course come a cropper,
And fall from the skies (Jesus tells us this),
And the grass withers and flowers fade…
But in going outside, or looking through glass,
To these things of creation,
To things, bigger, smaller, brighter, quirkier…
We lift our minds for a time,
Take them from our worries,
From the mess and chaos and uncertainty,
And offer them to our creator.
Jesus isn’t just saying,
‘Don’t think of the elephant in the room,’
But rather… ‘Ooh look! There’s a penguin!’
Offering us something else to fill our thoughts,
Something to help us focus our minds again on him.
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