They found themselves in a strange world, a different world from the one they had known in their youth, one where our little stories were all that mattered, and it was thought that there was no big story. Yet some still believed in a different story. A big story. An overarching tale with truth and compassion hardwired into it, and though trends came and went, they believed that there was no greater trendsetter than the one who had started everything. And no greater fresh idea than the fresh idea of the one who proclaimed the extraordinary notion that the weak were strong and the poor rich and the sidelined blessed. Because this fresh idea turned the hunger for more on its head, and knocked the longing for success into a cocked hat. This radical life announcing quietly that there was a whole other law, saturated in love. Freely available and readily offered to those with the thirst for eternal reality and the timeless big story. From One who offered himself as strength and sustenance and comfort for each day.
‘Come to me if you are drained by the ways of this world, and I will refresh you.’
Matthew 11 v 28-32, Isaiah 55 v 1-3
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