‘I will call them out into the desert
And speak tenderly to them there.’
So he goes, out into the dry place,
Away from the distractions,
To focus, to listen, to draw close.
‘I will call them out into the desert
And speak tenderly to them there.’
And so he goes… to shape his mission,
Not chasing fame or fortune,
Celebrity or point-scoring,
Facing down the pitfalls and people-traps.
‘I will call them out into the desert
And speak tenderly to them there.’
And so he goes, though it’s not easy,
A different champion, a humble hero,
Searching for the lost and the unloved,
For the disregarded and also-rans.
‘I will call them out into the desert
And speak tenderly to them there.’
This dusty saviour, this calloused carer,
This man from Nazareth,
This desert king of hearts.
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