Wednesday Riff: Hold On

Hold on to the good stuff,

The encouragements and smiles,

Those things that spur you on,

Those things that lift you and

Point you in the right direction,

The lessons learned through the ups and downs,

The small moments of strength.


Let go of the bad stuff,

The unhelpful criticism,

The hurtful misunderstandings,

The gossip and the rumours,

The regrets and the mishaps,

The what-ifs and if-onlys.


And if you need help with

The holding on and letting go,

There is a place, an Easter place,

Strewn with the untidy burdens

That others have left behind,

Marked with the footprints of

Those who have found new energy and purpose,

Fresh forgiveness and perspective.

A place of restoration and regeneration,

Marked with a cross and an open tomb.

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