Far from random, no accident or evolutionary hiccup.
But a plan for meaning, a people known and designed.
Flawed yes, so flawed, but offered a rescue plan.
A daily beginning again, a regular place to drop burdens
And discover once more that we are highly valued.
This creation groaning, this universe wrestling with itself,
Once founded on sense and order,
Chaos calmed and light shattering darkness,
Breath on dust and something bursting from nothing.
A gift of stewardship, a place for creative nurturing.
And now the call goes out, whispered in the clouds,
Muttered in the regular and the irregular,
A rustling song in the cities and the small places,
The earth has a maker, who each day creates,
And we are his friends, his lovers and servants,
And Hope is our name, redemption in our DNA,
Flawed heroes, limping stars, supporting actors
In this great tale of daily struggle and opportunity.
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