Life walks the streets, encompassing all:
The faces full of joy, the minds full of questions,
The frustrated souls, and the hearts about to break.
And in his wake, justice walks the streets,
Following him, looking for a home,
For a place to lay her head,
For a way to shine her light,
And set right the wrongs of the present and the past.
And peace walks the streets, looking for a home,
For a place to settle the disputes,
A place to bring together those who are far apart,
And cannot see a way forward.
Truth walks the streets,
With so many tales of wonder and hope,
Welcome and healing,
With wisdom in one hand and knowledge in the other.
Forgiveness walks the streets,
Armed with kindness, patience and self-control,
Ready with a fistful of new beginnings.
Life walks the streets,
And though the going is hard,
He will never give up, never turn back,
Though it cost him everything to travel this way.
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