Film Friday: Living

The film Living is set in the 1950s and is about Mr Williams, a dedicated office worker who discovers he does not have long left on this earth. This makes him examine himself and the nature of his life, and at first he heads for the bright lights, to live it up on drink and entertainment. But that doesn’t hit the spot at all. Then he meets one of the other folks from his office, Margaret Harris, a young woman who is full of life and zest and energy. Someone he has admired for a while. Spending time with her sends him in a whole new direction. This film made me think again on the gift of life. And the way that perhaps, in an odd way, one day can be symbolic of a whole life, because all of our lives are limited and each day is precious. There is a Jewish saying – ‘How we do one thing is how we do everything.’ In other words, each action, each smile, each word… these things say something about us.

Living set me thinking about a fistful of questions – so I throw them your way now. Feel free to duck.
What does it mean to treat each other as people made in the image of God.
What really matters in life?
Is there any real difference in importance between a small and a big thing?
What makes us more alive?
How can we live with God in a way that we couldn’t live without him?
What does it mean to be continually experiencing ongoing salvation in this life?
What does it mean to go on being saved from greed, self, merely surviving?
How was Jesus alive in a way that perhaps I am not. What was full living to him?
Just some thoughts there to ponder…

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