Let There be… & Possible

Let There Be
Let there be love…
Let there be peace…
Let there be patience…
Let there be hope and understanding…
Let there be courage and strength…
Let there be dignity and listening…
Let there be kindness and laughter…
Let there be respect… trust…
Let there be forgiveness…
Let there be inspiration and openness…
Let there be ideas and risk-taking…
Let there be a way forward…
And let there be a fresh start.

Lord, I have a full day ahead…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
I am worried about many things…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
I have an unwieldy and challenging to do list…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
I have lots of my own plans and good ideas…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
There are things I have been putting off…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
I have much I want to avoid and much I want to achieve…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
There are times when life seems stuck in its ways…
Help me to see what is possible with you.
There is so much to fear and so much to hope for…
Help me to see what is possible with you.

Jesus said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible.
But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
Mark 10 v 27

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