Lost in Translation: Strangers Adrift

Bob, a bored and fading movie star is in Tokyo to shoot a commercial. He is overwhelmed by the difference in culture, and before long befriends Charlotte, a young American woman who feels herself lonely and adrift . They are both at sea in a world in which they feel don’t belong. In Hebrews chapter 11 v 13 the heroes of the Old Testament are described as strangers in a strange land, people searching for a better place, for a home. Foreigners and refugees on earth. Our faith in Jesus may at times leave us feeling adrift in our world, I am constantly trying to draw on our culture to help others discover the good news of Jesus, but at times I feel alienated by the world around.

And it’s no wonder. This earth is not our home. Our home is in God, and with God in the kind of life foreseen by John in Revelation 21. A place of harmony and peace and justice, Where God is always present. For now we wander through these damaged lands, and this can be a lonely, bewildering and painful experience sometimes, this planet can be a joyous and wonderous place, but it can also be a harsh and frightening place and it can be difficult to keep holding onto our faith, that very faith which makes us feel so out of sync with others at times. The difference for us is we do it all with Jesus by our side, whether we are full off faith or not, seeking his help in those times when we feel lost and lonely and not fitting in. ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you,’ God promises us, in Hebrews chapter 13 v 5.

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