Before Dawn – Each Life Recognised

This film tells the fictional tale of young Australian Jim Collins, who goes from the peace and the beauty of the outback of Western Australia to the grim battlefields of the First World War. We see the days passing, relentlessly, hundreds of them, as Jim spends his life in the mud, and the noise, and the horrors of the World War One.
The film features a scene where we see a small group of men gathered around a single grave with the chaplain, as they bury one of their friends, and it serves as a vital reminder that every person is precious. In the midst of so much death and loss, here is a precious life being recognised and appreciated. Every life counts, every one matters.

The prophet Isaiah assures us in chapter 49 and verse 16 of his writing that each of our names is written on God’s hands. See, he says, I have written your name on the palm of my hand, and I will never forget you, so we are always with him, because our names are on his hands, as he is always with us. And there are other reminders in the Bible of the way God knows and remembers us. We will never know all the great and small acts of courage and kindness that have taken place and continue to take place every day, in places of conflict and peace, around the globe, but God does, and nothing is lost on him. Keep doing what you do for others, the writer of Hebrews chapter 6 verse 10 encourages us, for God does not forget the love we show him as we help other people.

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