Heat – Power and humility

Heat is a cops and robbers movie, but its most famous for the meeting in a diner of cop Vincent and robber Neil. And this is not so much famous for the characters meeting, but the actors, DeNiro and Pacino, two titans of cinema sharing a scene for the first time on film. It’s become so legendary that there’s even a rumour that they filmed the scenes separately and didn’t actually ever meet in filming. (It’s only a rumour though.)The characters of Neil and Vincent discuss what they do, and their dedication to it, and jostle about who might just win if they should meet on the battlefield. Two powerful men sparring with each other.
On his way to changing the world Jesus met a powerful man – Pontius Pilate. But they weren’t in a diner and Pilate was the one wielding the power, or so he thought. Ironically though he only had any power because of Jesus. Because of the God who made everything. Jesus tells Pilate this in John chapter 19 v 11. Ultimately Jesus won their meeting by losing everything, humility conquering power. It was humility that changed everything, humility that began the work of rescuing the cosmos. Humility that means we can come back to God and begin to know him as a friend. Pilate asked Jesus the question – what is truth? And we live in an age where truth is seen as moveable, and changeable, but Jesus described himself as the truth, and the kind of truth that could begin to set us free from the traps of this life.

John 18 v 33-38 & John 19 v 11

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