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In my mind, in my imagination,
I’m supposed to convert the whole nation,
I should change the lives of all I meet,
I should bellow good news across my street.
I should help everyone whatever the weather,
And could easily reach the end of my tether,
I could do this, and that, and so much more,
And grind myself into the floor.
In my mind I see so much I don’t do,
It wears me down, I lose sight of You,
And feel the weight of my own ideas,
And carry the burden of regrets and fears.
But I know that I am loved by you,
You know the things I can and can’t do,
You’re the one who can help me to be
The person that you made me to be.
Save me from the traps that I’ve built,
Free me from the stress and the pressure and guilt,
Save me when I reach the end of my rope,
This work is yours and its full of hope.
You come with a smile and warmth in your gaze,
Help me to smile too, with your life-giving ways,
Your always at work, singing your song,
Help me to know how to best sing along.

John 5 v 19

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