This film tells the wonderful and inspiring true story of Neil Baldwin, who, in spite of being diagnosed with learning difficulties at a young age, dedicated himself to becoming a circus clown, a lay preacher, a university welfare officer and the kit man for Stoke City Football club. One day, whilst doing his job there, which included inspiring and uplifting both players and fans, he asked the manager Lou Macari who had been his best signing for the team. Lou didn’t reply. But later, when the time came for him to move on from the club, Lou told Neil – ‘It was you, you were the best signing I ever made.’ He saw in Neil someone who gave everything for the club, someone who went out of his way to lift the team up. To Neil, helping others was just what he did, a regular part of life.
You and I have been signed up by our Creator, chosen before the world began, according to Ephesians 1 v 5. And it thrilled God to do it. Gave him absolute pleasure to invite you into his family, and through Jesus he made it possible for us to live in harmony with him. Nothing separating us from the love of God. In this life we often have to be good enough to be chosen. I well remember dawdling on the touch line, waiting for one of the class team captains to finally pick me for his side. I wasn’t really good enough you see. But with God it’s not like that. Being good enough doesn’t come into it. We have been signed up because he loves us, and it delights him to do that. He is full of eternal compassion, and we get the benefit. It’s hard to get this into our heads, because the good enough questions pervades. That’s why it’s worth reading Ephesians 1 v 5 regularly. Our God delights in choosing you. And that’s a fact.
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