Dusty & Tomb

A reflection on Jesus and the resurrection tomb, inspired by a conversation with a friend;
and a thought about God understanding our weaknesses…


Lord, you have walked freely from the tomb, 
Breaking into new life on a resurrection dawn.
But many of us we are still waiting inside that tomb,
Seeing you walk free in the bright warmth of hope, 
But ourselves still caught in the chill and the shadows.
Draw us out into the daylight please,
Break the chains which hold us back, 
And even if we keep slipping back into the tomb, 
Keep on drawing us out, time after time, 
Never tire of setting us free and walking with us,
Into the light of your love and freedom. 


Lord thank you that you know we are dust,
and we can talk to you about our dusty lives,
in words that are not eloquent or poetic,
but real and meaningful, raw and honest,
keep us talking to you, whatever we feel.
Help us to find the dusty words
to keep in touch with you,
and thank you that you are never put off
by the dusty nature of our living.

Psalm 103 v 13-14 

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