Fury – ‘Who will go?’

This gritty and brutal World War Two movie tells of a tank crew, fighting their way across Germany in 1945. In it there’s a scene where one of the crew, Boyd Swan, quotes a verse from the Old Testament book of Isaiah chapter 6. ‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”’
As courageous as he is, Boyd’s voice cracks a little as he recites this, knowing the nature of the call and the tough challenge facing them.
In the Netflix series Unbelievable Detective Karen Duvall keeps this verse stuck on the dashboard of her car. She sees it as a call to keep her going with the vital and difficult work she is doing.
Isaiah was called into a difficult work, being an Old Testament prophet was hard, and at times folk ignored his message. But we still have his words all these centuries later, messages to inspire us and keep us going when the road is tough. ‘Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength…’ he promised in chapter 40 of his book. And in chapter 61, he predicted the arrival of Jesus, and described the son of God as a caring servant who would bring good news to the poor, comfort for the broken-hearted and freedom for those who were held captive.
Timeless words, and timeless encouragement, from a prophet who came all those centuries ago to encourage us to keep following God.

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