
The movie Lee tells the true story of Lee Miller, who was first off a model before she went on to become a photographer working for Vogue magazine during the Second World War. She came to London in 1940 but then quite quickly went to France and then to Germany, where she took some extraordinary photos on order to bring back the realities of what was going in mainland Europe. At the end of the war she took photographs of one of the concentration camps, with all that had taken place there, and though the British Vogue editor felt that the images were too disturbing for their issues, Vogue America did print them.

Good journalists bring the truth about life to us and the film Blinded by the Light features this quote: ‘A good writer tells the world what they need to hear’.

I’m grateful for the gospel writer Luke who I see as a bit of a journalist figure in the Bible. Not only did he go round gathering information about all that happened during Jesus’s life on earth, but afterwards he was the only one to record the amazing stories about the early church and the way God was at work through the first followers of Jesus. Time and again we can go back and read the Book of Acts and see what God was doing then and what he is able to do through us, and in us, and with us right now. Today. Luke documented the way that God poured out his spirit on the first followers in Acts chapter 2, and then towards the end of Acts chapter 2 and the end of chapter 4 we’re told about how they shared what they had to welcome people into the new church. And then there are the adventures of Peter and Paul, and the many times that Luke records the people prayed. How important prayer was in the lives of those early followers and how important it can be in our lives today.

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