
The film Treasure is about an American journalist, Ruth, and her father Edek who comes from Poland. Together they return to his homeland to visit places of his youth and childhood. But Edek was imprisoned by the Nazis in a concentration camp, and when Ruth arranges for them to travel on a train to various different places, Edek is very reluctant about getting on a train in Poland. Ruth doesn’t understand this at first, but slowly the truth dawns about the last time he was on a train in Poland, being transported to a concentration camp.
Empathy is a really important thing in life isn’t it, sensing what is going on with other people and reading between the lines. Jesus was really good at that, and when he met a woman at a well in John Chapter 4, he knew that she had been rejected by five husbands, and how she was feeling so battered by life, and by other people. Jesus gave her his time and listened carefully to her, he showed her that he cared and that he understood her situation. He most likely respected her in a way no man had ever done before. So when she left him and ran back to her village she said, ‘Come and see the man who knows everything I’ve ever done!’ And what she meant by that was this – here was somebody who knew all about her past and was not rejecting her or judging her. Instead he brought hope and a new start into her life. And so Jesus continues to do that today. He comes into our lives with understanding and hope, not to judge us but to be our Saviour.

Lord, for those times when we need extra empathy please would you supply us with the understanding, perception and strength to care for another person. Thank you.

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