Another Hunter

‘We have been set free,like a bird from a hunter’s trap.’So sings that songster known as the psalmist.Singing of freedom and those things which clutch at us and trap us.Some find …

Freud’s Last Session

This movie is based on an imagined encounter between Sigmund Freud and CS Lewis. Apparently Freud did meet up with a young oxford professor towards the end of his life, …


Lord we so frequently need you, this life often feels like a task that requires too much of us. So often are weak and self-absorbed, so often full of stress …

Another Kingdom

A kingdom of hope,where the light always shines,no matter how brooding the darkness,or how oppressive the troubles.A kingdom of nurture and friendship,a kingdom of forgiveness,carried in our hearts and minds,looking …


‘Thank you,’ Jesus says.‘What for?’ Martha asks, her eyes heavy with disappointment and self-recrimination.‘For sitting here with me now,’ he says. ‘Thank you. And for the meal, the meal was …


Send the sparks of your life,into our lives again this week.Send the strong beam of your light,into our darkness once again.Sow the seeds of your love into our being and doing …

Horizon – Land and Freedom

This epic retelling of the American West starts with a man, a boy and some measuring sticks. Horizon is the name of a brand new town which promises hope and …

Happiness & Seeking

Sometimes I wonder if I have the first idea,if I even have the smallest glimpse,of what it means to seek my happiness in you,to wait on you and find my …


We have moments of strength,and moments of weakness,moments of jubilation,moments of dread,moments of trust,moments of scepticism,moment of peace,moments of stress,moments of loathing,and moments of love.Help us with the difficult ones, …


To rest with you,to find a moment of green pastures,to pause to draw strength and focus,to discover a moment of joy in the stress,to find a way forward in the …


The film Treasure is about an American journalist, Ruth, and her father Edek who comes from Poland. Together they return to his homeland to visit places of his youth and …

The Way You Can

Pray the way you can,Not the way you can’t.Read the Bible the way you can,Not the way you can’t.Reach out the way you can,Not the way you can’t.Worship the way …

Father Stu – Crises and Encounter

The film Father Stu is about an amateur boxer Stuart Long, who is a tough talking, hard drinking guy who falls in love with a young woman Carmen, and then …

Peace Be With You

Lord, let your peace, your wholeness, reign in our land,let your ways of justice, compassion, joy and mercyinfuse our leaders and our people,may fairness be on our minds and in …


Ripples in the water,Like the fluctuating years,The rollercoaster ridges of time,The ebb and flow of strength and weakness,The restless movement,Occasionally settling to calm.So the heart rises and falls,The beats of …

Before Dawn – Each Life Recognised

This film tells the fictional tale of young Australian Jim Collins, who goes from the peace and the beauty of the outback of Western Australia to the grim battlefields of …

Help & Strength

Lord, how we need you today.You are the source of life and help and strength,you bring forgiveness for our mistakes and mis-steps,thank you so much for a new start with …


The young girl stirs, but not in a sweat-induced state of restlessness.Now her face is calm, her breathing steady, there is no sign of fluttering behind her eyelids.She opens her …

One Thing

One ThingMartha did the right thing,she brought her stress to Jesus,and told him about it,she didn’t hide it away.She didn’t pretend she was fine,instead she knew Jesus could take it,he …