The movie Lee tells the true story of Lee Miller, who was first off a model before she went on to become a photographer working for Vogue magazine during the …
The movie Lee tells the true story of Lee Miller, who was first off a model before she went on to become a photographer working for Vogue magazine during the …
On earth We will never know all the timeswhen good things happened, small or large,when bad things were prevented, small or large,when God quietly intervened, no fuss or applause,when life …
There’s a servant in the hallway, brushing dust and yet also straining to hear. There’s a crack in the door and the younger son is inside the room with his …
She hears the words ‘I let you off – you’re forgiven…’ and figures it must be for the other guy. The one standing beside her.She owes too much. To release …
Jesus said,‘I have food you know nothing about.’How we need that.Food that fills the gaps of longing,Food that feeds us in a way nothing else can,Food that inspires us when …
Years ago, back in the 1980s, the Deetz family moved into a spooky old house and – surprise surprise – found it haunted, with as they say in filmland – …
Jimmy Erskine is a fierce film critic, one who pulls no punches in his reviews for the Daily Chronicle. When yet again, he critically assassinates the actress Nina Land for …
We don’t have to be good at it, don’t need to be experts, don’t need the right words or the correct phraseology. Can stand, sit, kneel, walk, jog, lie down …
You fed thousands of people,And yet they turned and left you,You fed them, told them gripping stories,Shared your life with them,And yet they turned and walked away,Left you, abandoned you.And …
And so we battle with versions of ourselves, the Christian and the human, the lost and found soul, the genuine bits and the imposter parts, the product of our past …
When Lily Bloom spots a young homeless man, called Atlas, in a derelict building across her street she packs up some food and a sleeping bag and leaves it outside …
Your promise comes to us,That we can may find rest under your wings,Safety and comfort,Shelter and a welcoming embrace,Protected by your stature and strength.And in your stepping to earthYou became …
A reflection on Jesus and the resurrection tomb, inspired by a conversation with a friend; and a thought about God understanding our weaknesses… Tomb Lord, you have walked freely from …
This gritty and brutal World War Two movie tells of a tank crew, fighting their way across Germany in 1945. In it there’s a scene where one of the crew, …
Thank you Lord for going to that place, where all the losers and failures went, to that place where the rebels and bloodthirsty ones ended up, that place where the rejected and the shunned and …
An easy-to-perform sketch about following Jesus You’ll need a narrator and a line of 3 to 8 people. Hello everyone… I’m the narrator.Hopefully the audience will say ‘Hello!’And these are …
Blessing May understanding be the road we walk,may encouragement be the breeze at our back,may strength feed our steps and choices,and may your word be the map for our cluttered …
Dave hovers in the back of the cave, the atmosphere is pungent with sweat, and tension hangs like smog in the air. And all the while… Saul takes a dump. …
Lord we are often not very spiritual,our lives are full and frantic and routine,so please meet us in these busy, ordinary places,as you met so many in your Word.In those …
Lord Jesus you say to us, Be concerned for one thing…you and your kingdom.But so many things clamour for my attention,so many things batter at the door of my peace,and …