An easy, entertaining way to read the Bible stories about Jesus. The Groovy Gospel is jammed full of quirky questions and cracking comments. Reading about the life of Jesus has never been so much fun.
An extract from the book
Most people think that Jesus was born in a stable in
Bethlehem, because there was no room at any of the
inns or hotels. But it’s probably not true. The word in
the story for ‘inn’ also means ‘spare room’. And Joseph
probably had relatives in Bethlehem who would have
let them stay. Plus he was descended from a famous
king – King David – so people would have heard about
him. There was no spare room for Mary and Joseph so
she had the baby in the bit where the animals were
Rich people might have had big barns or stables for
their animals but not average people. Where do you
think they kept their animals?
1. In the bathtub
2. In the kitchen
3. In the downstairs loo
4. In the bedroom
Answer: 4
Normal houses had two rooms – one was a family
room, used for both living and sleeping for the family.
The other was used for a guest bedroom.
The animals would have been kept at one end of the
main family room, where the ground sloped down and
there were holes cut in the floor. What do you think
they were used for?
1. Weeing in
2. Holding soup
3. Storing hot porridge
4. Hay for the animals
Answer: 4
These feeding bowls were called mangers and Jesus
was placed in one of these when he was born. So
although it wasn’t a stable as the Christmas cards often
show, it was a room with animals and straw and cow
It didn’t smell great!
Who came to visit the baby while he was there?
1. Shadrack Meshack and Abednego
2. Sheryl Cole
3. Shepherds
4. Kings
Answer: 3