Video Shorts

Short videos from Dave:

The Prodigal Son

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Into The Sun

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Signs DVD:

Below are three low resolution trailers for Dave’s SIGNS DVD – 5 reflections on faith and film

Full SIGNS DVD available from Dave – please use the contact form for inquiries

YouTube video

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YouTube video

The above are trailers for Dave’s SIGNS DVD – 5 reflections on faith and film

Full SIGNS DVD available from Dave – please use the contact form for inquiries

A couple of shorts about Dave’s books:

YouTube video

YouTube video

A few more filmic reflections:

YouTube video

The Ring

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A retold parable – The Persistent Friend

A retold parable – The Two Sons

A retold parable – Trouble

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A retold parable – One in the Eye

No More Heroes

YouTube video

The Bloke’s Bible

YouTube video