
‘Thank you,’ Jesus says.
‘What for?’ Martha asks, her eyes heavy with disappointment and self-recrimination.
‘For sitting here with me now,’ he says. ‘Thank you. And for the meal, the meal was delicious.’
‘I was so looking forward to making it,’ she says, ‘I planned it all so carefully, wanted to give you the best. And then it all went wrong, and I got so het up. Mary upset it all. I needed her help, I really needed her, I was rushed for time, she could have…’
Her words dry up.
‘I needed her too,’ says Jesus. ‘Like I need you. I loved your meal, Martha, I loved all the time you put into it, all the preparation. I love this house, I love the way your door is always open to me. Thank you so much.’ He pauses. ‘But I love this too. Me and you now, here. You sitting with me. Giving me your time. It’s so precious isn’t it, your time? And here you are offering it to me. Thank you. You have made my day.’
Martha frowns. She tries to speak again but nothing comes out.
‘It’s okay,’ says Jesus, ‘I know your worries, but you don’t have to say anything. Just sit with me. For a little while. I love that.’

Luke 10 38-42

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