Dave Hop

Dave Hop

Contemporary Bible Communicator

A Thing Called Love

It’s day seven, and there is rest everywhere. Peace. Calm. Two angels look down on a new creation.‘Is it true?’ one asks. ‘That those things down there with legs and arms …

Two Things

As he stands there, staring across the valley, the army behind him waiting with their knees knocking and teeth chattering… David knows he has two things. As he stares across …

Dawning Light

She can breathe again, she hadn’t realised how long she’d been holding her breath.Hadn’t realised how tightly the threat of death had gripped her on the inside. How much the …


Waiting As we draw near to the Season of Advent, and a time of waiting and preparation, a reflection on three Biblical characters. Joseph stares at the bars, counts off …

I love the Lord

I love the LORD with all my soulwith all my mindwith all my heart.All that I am, I owe to HIM,My life is HIS,HE may do with it what pleases HIM.I …


There’s a servant in the hallway, brushing dust and yet also straining to hear. There’s a crack in the door and the younger son is inside the room with his …

Too Much

She hears the words ‘I let you off – you’re forgiven…’ and figures it must be for the other guy. The one standing beside her.She owes too much. To release …


And so we battle with versions of ourselves, the Christian and the human, the lost and found soul, the genuine bits and the imposter parts, the product of our past …

Following Drama

An easy-to-perform sketch about following Jesus You’ll need a narrator and a line of 3 to 8 people. Hello everyone… I’m the narrator.Hopefully the audience will say ‘Hello!’And these are …


Dave hovers in the back of the cave, the atmosphere is pungent with sweat, and tension hangs like smog in the air. And all the while… Saul takes a dump. …

Our King

Let there be revival Lord, please, in our hearts and minds, and wills and strength.Turn us back to you,focus all we are on you. The way we feel and think, and believe and …


May kindness be the beat of our pulse,may compassion be the fuel of our being,may courage feed our smiles and actions,and in the clamour of these daysmay we know your …


‘Thank you,’ Jesus says.‘What for?’ Martha asks, her eyes heavy with disappointment and self-recrimination.‘For sitting here with me now,’ he says. ‘Thank you. And for the meal, the meal was …

Horizon – Land and Freedom

This epic retelling of the American West starts with a man, a boy and some measuring sticks. Horizon is the name of a brand new town which promises hope and …


The young girl stirs, but not in a sweat-induced state of restlessness.Now her face is calm, her breathing steady, there is no sign of fluttering behind her eyelids.She opens her …

A Pulp Gospel Tale from Jerusalem

I got word that something was rotten in the back streets of Jerusalem. Something dark going down. And they might need a good man to be hanging around. Well, there …

Kintsugi Jeans

Dear God,I have a pair of what I call kintsugi jeans. They were starting to fall apart at the knee so I took some brown string and stitched them very obviously back …

The Builder

Unless the Lord builds the house, we may find we work in vain. unless the Lord builds the house, it may be as if we build on sand. Every house …

The King & Queen – a parable

Once there was a good king and queen, who established a safe and fair kingdom. Everyone cared about each other, and people prospered and lived in peace. The king and …