Too Much

She hears the words ‘I let you off – you’re forgiven…’ and figures it must be for the other guy. The one standing beside her.
She owes too much. To release her from her debt would be ridiculous, very bad business sense.
The other guy only owes a pittance, a tiny amount, of course they can be forgiven.
She sighs. And doesn’t look up. So she hears the words again. ‘You’re forgiven, I’m letting you off the debt. Consider it sorted.’
There’s more urgency in the voice so she chances a look up and sees the king is staring right at her. She knows there will be fire in his eyes, anger etched like graffiti across his face. But then… no… he’s smiling. He seems happy about something.
‘You’re forgiven,’ he says a third time. ‘That massive debt you owe, it’s dealt with. Gone. You’re free.’
And so she falls on her knees, her face wet with relief and tears. The burden was so heavy, the weight of it has worn her down, taken all her strength, and here he is now, lifting it from her. The other guy is grateful too, he nods and utters words of heartfelt gratitude. Bows and leaves with a spring in his step But she is overwhelmed by the king’s generosity. She is free!  Who would have though it ever possible, to be forgiven like this! She can breathe fresh air, she can start again. He feels his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. Offering a way forward.

Luke 7 v 36-50 

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