Monday Rewrite

Monday Rewrite

Familiar Bible passages, seen with new creative eyes

Monday Rewrite: The Land of Fear

Two went walking in the woods one spring, With no idea what the walk might bring. The girl fell asleep, near a big brown stone, But the boy soon discovered …

Monday Rewrite: Wilderness Voice

A voice calls out in the wilderness, Offering comfort and a way forward. ‘Lift up your eyes, look to the skies, And to the one who set them in place. …

Monday Rewrite: Barn Fever

‘Welcome one and all, family and er… interested parties… of Mr Richard Fool for the reading of his will, following his sad and mysterious demise after the completion of his …

Monday Rewrite: Walls & Windows

The walls had risen around them, so slowly they had not noticed. But now they felt it, the bricks of cynicism and self-doubt and confusion. And of drifting in a …

Monday Rewrite: Hebron Street

by James Clarke Yesterday – in the Temple, I saw something that took me back 30 years in a moment. A man was talking – arguing really – with the …

Monday Rewrite: Hefty Prophets

The three prophets Zechariah, Jeremiah and Elijah (Z, J and E) meet up for a chat. Z. I’m trying to plan my sermon for Sunday but I’m getting nowhere. J. …

Monday Rewrite: The Visit

I dreamt last night that I went to the stable. I’ve thought about it often but this was my first true visit. I dressed up in my best clothes, scrubbed …

Monday Rewrite: Non-threatening

He looks into those eyes, new and bright, searching and soft. And he can sense his own gaze softening. His own heart opening a little. There is something in this, …

Monday Rewrite: Fear

A reading for one or two voices. 1. If God had let worry cloud his vision he may well not have set the wheels of time in motion. 2. If …

Monday Rewrite: The Key

I had everything and nothing. Wealth, status, power, they lay around me like yesterday’s toys. You can be the envy of others who don’t know the rest of you. The …

Monday Rewrite: Wonder

He stares at the baby, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. When he lost his voice he wondered, now his wonder is of another kind. He may wonder …

Monday Rewrite: Mary and Martha

Martha: Hi Mary. Mary: Hi Martha, how’s it going? Martha: Oh you know, the usual, busy busy busy. Mary: I hope you’re factoring in some breathing space. Martha: Well you …

Monday Rewrite: Quiet Place

Every morning those ancient words call me back, back to that crossroads. That place of quiet glory, that place of reminders and rediscovery, of the old way that is fresh …

Monday Rewrite: Bethany

James is lurking in the doorway, his huge body bent a little and sagging with regret. He’s making the others nervous. Even this far from the city there is danger. …

Monday Rewrite: Trees

Easy to forget it was a garden full of trees, and they could pick the fruit off any of them. Any at all. It was only the one, the one …

Monday Rewrite: Gethsemane Waiting

He’ll wait all night if he has to, While those who think they have the power, Are floundering, flustered, chasing their tails, Tripping over their feet, concocting their tales, Empty …

Monday Rewrite: Walking Miracles

A thought – miracles often come complete with skin and bone, flesh and blood. As Saul looks up now, dust and grime on his face, his threats and sadness and …

Monday Rewrite: Appeal

Lord you know what we need, What we want, and what is possible. You see the bigger picture here, there and everywhere. So today we want this_____ We need this_____ …

Monday Rewrite: Lipstick and Love

She is getting her nails done. Again. And her eyes. And her lashes. And pretty much everything else. She is well aware she is way more than this. More than …